Arecae Catechu
Pinyin Mandarin Name
Da Fu Pi
Common English Name
Betel Husk
Part of Plant Used
Dried fruit husk of betel nut
Slightly warm
Meridians Entered
Spleen, Stomach, Large Intestine, Small Intestine
Common Usages
This herb is most often used in formulas that treat bloating and congestion in the digestive tract, regulate digestion, promote urination, and treat general edema (TCM: for stagnant Qi and dampness). May also be used in some formulas to treat worms due to its paralyzing effect on tapeworms in the bowel. 醫(yī)學全.在線提供
Traditional Usages and Functions
Moves Qi and reduces stagnation; expels dampness; promotes urination and moves dampness.
Common Formulas Used In
Processing Required
Cautions in Use
Use cautiously where there is Qi deficiency.