1 The cy1indrica1 shape of a cactus reduces moisture 1oss.
A 1essens
B de1ays
C redistributes
D reverses
2 In temperate regions the growth rings on turt1es' epiderma1 p1ates ref1ect seasona1 variations in growth.
A indicate
B stimu1ate
C inc1ude
D prevent
3 During the 1840's, Dorothea Dix was a 1eader in the movement for the reform of prison conditions.
A unification
B creation
C reviva1
D betterment
4 The po1ar regions are genera11y covered with ice and snow.
A areas
B rocks
C mountains
D seas
5 Against the advice of his accountants, Henry Ford regu1ar1y reduced the price of his ear1y automobi1es.
A reck1ess1y
B hesitant1y
C great1y
D routine1y
6 Proper exercise p1ays a significant ro1e in the rehabi1itation of patients with various back ai1ments.
A operation
B recovery
C casting
D re1axation
7 It is not possib1e for peop1e to remember everything that they have thought.
A reca11
B appreciate
C repeat
D discuss
8 A fossi1 is remnant of a once-1iving organism.
A bone
B so1vent
C picture
D vestige
9 An expert in any fie1d may be defined as a person who possesses specia1ized ski11s and is capab1e of rendering very competent services.
A obtaining
B mastering
C providing
D financing
10 Among the men and women who reshaped the American working c1ass during the ear1y 1900s, there were many who were not members of 1abor unions.
A cha11enged the rights of
B criticized the views of
C interviewed the 1eaders of
D changed the character of
11 Recent discoveries in Montana indicate that some dinosaurs may have resided in co1onies.
A lived
B died
C hunted
D fed
12 Over thirty cities around the wor1d boast more than five mi11ion residents.
A jobs
B dwe11ings
C b1ocks
D inhabitants
13 By 1900, many municipa1ities had begun to restrict the use of automobi1es in order to ensure pedestrian safety.
A test
B 1imit
C standardize
D prohibit
14 High wages and restrictive work practices are said to have created new nonunion competition.
A inefficient
B recognized
C 1imiting
D dangerous
15 The host important resu1t of the Lewis and C1ark expedition was that it enab1ed the United States to c1aim the Oregon region.
A regret
B prob1em
C outcome
D controversy