Significant Points of the Stomach Channel of Foot-Yangming
足三里(胃經(jīng)36) Zusanli(ST36).
穴義 足,下肢;三,數(shù)詞;里,古代有以里為寸之說。
Zu, lower limbs; san, three; li, taken as cun in ancient times.
定位 犢鼻穴下三寸,脛骨前山脊外一橫指處。
Location 3 cun below Dubi, one finger-breadth from the anterior crest of the tibia.
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主治 1、胃腸道疾病要穴,用治胃脹、胃痛、噯氣、吞酸、嘔吐、呃逆、腹痛、腹瀉、便秘、痢疾等癥。
Indication 1. Main point for the gastro-intestinal diseases.
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針法 直刺1-2寸。
Method perpendicularly 1-2cun.
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備考 合穴,健身強(qiáng)壯要穴。
Remarks He-Sea Point. Main point for strengening the body and initating hygiene. |