國外數(shù)據(jù)庫收錄:IM,2.924" />
An Interdisciplinary Journal on the Toxins Derivedfrom Animals, Plants and Microorganisms
Official Journal of The International Society on Toxinology.
Toxicon's "aims and scope" are laid downin the journal as:
articles containing theresults of original research on problems related to toxins derived fromanimals, plants and microorganisms
papers on novel findingsrelated to the chemical, pharmacological, toxicological, and immunologicalproperties of natural toxins
molecular biologicalstudiesof toxin and other genes from poisonous and venomous organisms that advanceunderstanding of the role or function of toxins
clinical observations onpoisoning and envenoming where a new therapeutic principle has been proposed ora decidedly superior clinical result has been obtained
material on the use oftoxins as tools in studying biological processes and material on subjectsrelated to venom and antivenom problems
review articles on problemsrelated to toxinology.