國外數據庫收錄:IM,2.11" />
Health Expectations promotes critical thinking and informed debate about all aspects of publicparticipation in health care and health policy, including:
Patient-centredcare and quality improvement
Patients'participation in treatment decisions
Publicperceptions of health services
Citizeninvolvement health care policy making and priority-setting
Methodsfor monitoring and evaluating participation
Empowermentand consumerism
Patients'role in safety and quality
Health Expectations is aquarterly, peer-reviewed journal publishing original research, review articlesand critical commentaries. It includes papers which clarify concepts, developtheories, and critically analyse and evaluate specific policies and practices.The Journal provides a multi-disciplinary and international forum in whichresearchers from a variety of backgrounds can present their work to otherresearchers, policy makers, health care professionals, managers and consumeradvocates.